
You work for Bitcoin

You work for Bitcoin. Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, you do. Bitcoin is value the way meters are distance. You can say, “I don’t use meters, I use inches/feet/yards.” Or “I don’t use Bitcoin I use dollars.” But if you run a marathon you run a certain amount of yards, and a certain number of meters, regardless of which measurement system you prefer to use personally. So, if you work in exchange for value, you are working for a certain amount of bitcoin, regardless of whether you denominate your value in Bitcoin or dollars. Similar to the metric system, Bitcoin is a measurement system, but it measures value instead of distance.  And you work for value, whether you decide to store your value in a dilute-able political unit or a unit with finite scarcity that cannot be altered. Store wisely.

Bitcoin is for Enemies

Bitcoin is math.  Your friends study math.  Companies use math.  Governments use math.  Religions use math.  Dictators use math.  Despots use math.  Your enemies study math, too. No one can control who uses math. No one is excluded from using math. If you don’t like that your enemies are using math then your only hope is to use math even better than they do, in your effort to win. If math were only for friends then it wouldn’t be truth, it would be political, gossip, subjective. Instead math is for enemies.  Bitcoin is for enemies.

Government coercion

There is a saying, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”  This demonstrates that personal responsibility and mental health are more critical to gun violence prevention than banning firearms. Similarly, Bitcoin is voluntary and does not coerce people. However, governments coerce people every day. For example a government may mandate Bitcoin acceptance. If you take issue with that, your issue is not with Bitcoin, but with government. Bitcoin doesn’t coerce people, people coerce people.

End of democracy

“I believe we are witnessing the end of an era, the era of bourgeois democracies with their constitutions, their parliaments, their rights, the separation of powers. The democratic guidelines… had been in critical condition for the longest time. For some time, the… government had been issuing decrees for the longest time instead of parliaments. The legislative function is held by the government as things stand, and still not by the parliaments. The state of emergency is the mechanism, history teaches us, by which democracies become totalitarian states.” -  Giorgio Agamben, August 2020


The First to the Corinthians  12 21  The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you,” or again, the head cannot say to the feet, “I do not need you.”  22 On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary,  23  and the parts of the body that we think to be less honorable we surround with greater honor, so our unseemly parts are treated with greater modesty, 24 whereas our attractive parts do not need anything. Nevertheless, God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that had a lack.

Digital gold

When we call bitcoin “digital gold” there are two ways to understand that. We do not mean that it is *like* gold, *but* digital. No. We mean that it has all the properties of gold (that matter), AND all the properties of being digitally native. It is like calling the internet a “digital newspaper.” Unfortunately these simple metaphors are necessary to help the uninitiated quickly grok the necessary concepts to begin to go down the rabbit hole.

Incorruptible money

We the people do not allow the government to change the number of inches in a foot, so why do we let them alter the number of dollars in the economy? If last year you earned $100k out of $10 trillion total money supply (100k/10T) now this year they print 20% more money (100k/12T) that reduces the value of your $100k.  Find a money that is incorruptible.